تعبير عن احمد الشقيري بالانجليزي

أحمد الشقيري واحد من أكثر الشخصيات المؤثرة في العالم الإسلامي والوطن العربي، وهو سعودي مثابر و طموح استطاع بناء نفسه بنفسه من خلال برامجه المؤثرة و الهادفة ولعل أهمها هو برنامج “خواطر” الذي قام فيه بإلهام العديد من الشباب في العالم الإسلامي و الوطن العربي، في هذا المقال سنورد لكم تعبير عن احمد الشقيري بالانجليزي، حيث سنتعرف في هذا المقال على أحمد الشقيري، حياته، برامجه وتأثيره في الشباب في الوطن العربي.

تعبير عن احمد الشقيري بالانجليزي

Ahmed Al Shugairi is one of the influential figures in the Islamic world and the Arab world through his meaningful and important programs that invite young people to activities and events that benefit society in general and affect it positively

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in the city of Jeddah in the year 1973, specifically on the sixth day of June, Ahmed Al-Shugairi was born, who became famous as a media personality and youth activist in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. According to his audience, his best program was the “Khawatier” program, and the “Khawatir” program ran from 2005 to 2015, that is, for a period of ten years. Al-Shukairy    achieved great commercial and critical success, and Al-Shukairy enjoys prominent coverage on social media platforms, and has over 20 million followers. He was also ranked among the 100 best people in the world.In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in the city of Jeddah in the year 1973, specifically on the sixth day of June, Ahmed Al-Shugairi was born, who became famous as a media personality and youth activist in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

According to his audience, his best program was the “Khawatier” program, and the “Khawatir” program ran from 2005 to 2015, that is, for a period of ten years. Al-Shukairy achieved great commercial and critical success, and Al-Shukairy enjoys prominent coverage on social media platforms, and has over 20 million followers. He was also ranked among the 100 best people in the world

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